Hobbies are great to have. They keep you occupied, teach you new skills, and make you a little more interesting. But, hobbies sometimes aren’t just things we like to do in our spare time and can actually lead to being our passions.
I figured that out when I decided to study journalism in college. Some of my favorite hobbies are blogging, photography, videography and drawing. I had always loved doing these things as a child and when I grew up, I realized that I truly enjoyed doing them a lot.
So, you never know. Right now, you may think that it’s just something you like doing to pass time but one day, you could be doing whatever your hobby is on a bigger and better level.
But today, I am just going to give you a little tips about my hobbies so you can try them out for yourself.
I have a personal blog, where I blog about fashion and travel. I share my outfits, ideas, tips and lookbooks. Over time, I have dedicated and put a lot of time and effort into it and have had brand deals.
You can start your own blog as well and you can use a website like this one; Wix.com. Your blog can be about whatever you like and want. You just need to sign up, design it and start writing.
Photography & Videography
Since I was little, I loved taking photos and making videos. It’s creative, expressive, and allows you to have fun. My favorite kind of photos are portraits and film but there are a ton of different styles.
Taking photos is all about practice. If you have a phone (or you can use your parent’s) take a photo of something you like. But, don’t just take 1 picture-- take 10! For example, if it is an apple, get different angles, take it in bright light, take it in the dark, and whatever else you want. Point is, there is so much you can do with photography.
The same rules also apply for videography. There are hundreds of different video styles in the world but in the end, editing is all that matters. Editing is what allows you to make your actual video come together. So, record anything you want then edit it together, add some music and that’s it! It’s like Tik Tok but taking it a little further.
If you like, check out this website for more tips and activities!
Drawing is something we've all done since we were babies. From playing in paint with our hands to drawing stick figures. I draw for fun and to de stress and it is very relaxing.
What are your hobbies? Whatever they are, continue doing them and have fun!
Down below are two quick worksheets for you to complete!
