Hello everyone!
I am Kaylyn, and I am from Michigan in the United States of America. When people ask me where I am from, I like to say, "I'm from the mitten state." Michigan is in the shape of a mitten, hence the nickname.
The capital of Michigan is Lansing, and it is on the border of different regions. It is considered to be in mid-Michigan, or central Michigan.
I live in the southeast area of Michigan, only thirty minutes away by car from the city of Detroit and the bridge to Canada, commonly known as the Ambassador Bridge!
There are five bodies of water called the Great Lakes in the upper mid-east region of the United States: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. Out of the five, there is only one which does not border the state of Michigan - Lake Ontario. These lakes connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence River.

Here is a video which gives more information about the state of Michigan:
For More Fun Activities On Michigan~
Check out this website below! There is an interactive map for Michigan (you must have the Adobe Flash Player in order for this to work) as well as many fun worksheets! I attached a Michigan fact sheet as well as a maze I found on the website.