"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."
Anthony J. D'Angelo

Weather in Michigan

Michigan is a great place to live in if you are looking to experience all four of the seasons. It is beautiful to see the change from one season to the next. Below are the seasons with pictures from my home state to illustrate each one.

Let's begin with summer. Most people love the summer because they think of vacation time, going to a beach, and of course, children love not having school! The weather is mostly comfortable, and rain in the summer time is rare. The days are hot and can be on the humid side, though not as humid as it gets in the southern states of the United States. Humidity refers to the water vapor in the air, and the word "humid" means that the humidity is high. When there is high humidity, this gives the feeling of having "wet air" or a damp atmosphere.
Fall (Autumn)

The fall is probably one of my favorite seasons. In general, I prefer cooler weather, and the fall not only brings in cool breezes, but the leaves change from green to brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. People eagerly await for all the activities they can do in the fall. Cider mills open up where people can wander through apple orchards and pumpkin patches, tour through cider mills to see how apple cider is made, and eat cider mill doughnuts. Friends are invited over to sit around bonfires and make s'mores. American football teams are televised and fans go wild cheering for their favorite team. As the months pass by, the temperatures get colder and colder, until it eventually turns into winter.
For people who love warm weather, this season will be the hardest to get through. The cold isn't always that bad, but the blowing wind in this season makes it that much colder and harder to leave the warmth of the house. I personally think the snow and ice give off a magical feeling. I love sitting inside my house, drinking hot chocolate with melting marshmallows, all snuggled inside a blanket, and watching the swirling of falling snowflakes. Now, having to drive in during this season is a whole other matter. It is probably what I like least about this season. Walking the short distance from the house to the car is chilling to the bone, and the car heater may take a minute to warm up and start. When ice forms on the road, it is very dangerous to drive on, and it causes many accidents. So be careful out there! People also have to wake up earlier than normal to make sure their car is cleaned off from the snow, and sometimes they need to shovel their driveway so they can leave for work. The pictures in the slideshow were taken by myself, friends, and family.
Spring time is the unpredictable season in Michigan. As Michigan transitions from winter to spring, the weather fluctuates back and forth between cold temperatures and slightly warmer temperatures, then it drops back down into cooler temperatures. Once the season fully transitions to spring weather, you will start to see the trees and flowers bloom. I took the pictures of the magnolia trees in front of my family's house a couple years ago. This is also the season when you will see the most rain fall.
The picture below was taken one week in mid-April in 2017.
*Remember that these temperatures are in Fahrenheit, not Celsius*

Check out this site for more information on weather in Michigan:
Weather Idioms
Idioms are a phrase or expression used to represent something as non-literal with a figurative meaning. There are many idioms used in the English language, and this topic has quite a few examples.
Click on the link to view a list of weather idioms and their definitions.
Go to this site to practice filling in the blank with some weather idioms:
Then fill out this weather idiom crossword!
