What are your hobbies? Are there activities that come automatically to mind? A hobby is an activity or interest that is done for pleasure or relaxation in one's own time. There are tons and tons of various hobbies that people do for enjoyment. I myself have a couple of hobbies that I do to relax after a long day of work, and there are some hobbies that I would love to try and take up. Here are a couple hobbies that I used to do as a child.
Reading is definitely one of my favorite activities to do in my spare time! When I was younger, I would read whenever possible- in class after finishing a homework assignment, during recess, in the car when traveling to different extracurricular activities, at home before bed- I read ALL the time. My elementary school used to have monthly reading logs that would hand out to the students. By the end of the month, my log would be close to being filled, if not entirely filled.

My love for reading was instilled in me by my mom and her love for reading. I felt like I was transported to another world when I read. Everything was so clear and vivid in my mind, it was almost like a movie was playing. I was not just a viewer watching the movie, but a bystander within all the scenes. To this day, I still enjoy reading. It is a little hard sometimes to find time in between my busy schedule, but I still try to find a spare moment to read a book, whether its an electronic or physical copy.
What are some of your favorite books to read?
Check out the link below for some book recommendations!
Listening to Music
Listening to music was another one of my favorites! I used to collect CD's and play them on my radio CD player or my handheld CD player. I would take it with me when I went with my parents to watch my brothers in their activities. Sometimes I would sing or dance, but I generally only did that if I was alone in my room.
Some artists I listened to are:
Avril Lavigne
Fall Out Boy
Green Day
The Black Eyed Peas
Kelly Clarkson
Sum 41
Simple Plan
3 Doors Down
Panic! at the Disco
Backstreet Boys
Jesse McCartney
Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Lady Gaga
Polish Dancing
My family is Polish so I grew up learning Polish traditions and eating Polish food. I started Polish dancing when I was young, and I continued to Polish dance for the following ten years. The place were I learned to dance had traditional activities during the year for the dancers to participate in, learn about, and celebrate our heritage. The organization was the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, otherwise known as PRCUA. This organization, founded in 1873, is the oldest Polish American organization in the United States. I had practice every Tuesday night. My mom and I would carpool with her best friend and her daughter, who was also my best friend. At the class, we would learn a little bit of Polish vocabulary before dancing some traditional dances and then dance a little bit of hip hop afterwards.

Figure Skating
I started ice skating when I was eight years old. At first, I only took lessons at the local skating rink. I slowly got the hang of skating, and after a couple of years of skating, someone recommended I try out for the synchronized skating team based at the rink, the Crystallettes. They have teams corresponding with ability level and age range. I tried out and made the Open Juvenile team. I continued to skate until I was a senior in high school. I still think back on all the great memories I have from those times. As a team, we traveled to different states for competitions, we tried our hardest, we laughed and we cried together. My family would drive miles and miles for my competitions, showing me how much they cared and wanted to show their support. I wouldn't trade those times for the world!
This is the Crystallettes official webpage.
The Senior Crystallettes skated this program in Milan, Italy.
The Senior Crystallettes performed this program in Switzerland.
Football (Soccer)
Children in the United States, just like in Spain, love to play football which is more commonly known as soccer. Both of my brothers and myself were on football teams growing up. My dad even coached a couple of the teams my brothers were on some season. All four of us were involved in football beyond just being on a team. My dad was a referee, and he got the rest of us into it as well. I refereed for a number of years until I decided that I had to focus on my schoolwork and my jobs at the time.
Street Hockey
While I didn't play any street hockey, I remember my brothers going out to play in the streets with the rest of the kids on the block. They would pull their hockey nets out into the middle of the street after making sure no cars were coming, each would grab a wooden hockey stick and a ball, and off they would play! They would spend hours playing. Each time a car came down the street, everyone would move the net and get out of the way. But as soon as it drove past, once again, they began playing. Sometimes they would wear roller skates to play, other times they just wore their tennis shoes. It was a fun pastime for them. Every now and then, I would sit outside to watch them or read with the sound of their game in the background.

More Hobbies
There are plenty of hobbies that people have. What other hobbies can you think of? Make a list and then tell me all about your hobbies!
Check out these sites of popular hobbies:
Click on the link below to practice reading comprehension about hobbies.
Here are some more worksheets for practice.
