When I have free time (and I am able to leave the house) there are a lot of things I like to do for fun. I really like to stay active and fit, so quite a few of them are sports or other activities that keep me in good shape.
When I was in high school in the United States (age 14-17), I participated in a sport called cross country running. This is slightly different from running track. Cross country running usually means you are running longer distances, versus in track, when shorter distances are run, usually at a faster pace. At the high school level, the races are 3.1 miles long (5 kilometers). When I ran in high school, I was on a team with other runners. The time it takes for each individual runner to finish the 5k race is timed, and individuals can win medals depending on how quickly they finish and their rank compared with all the other runners, but a team is also evaluated based on how well every member does. Throughout the season we race against other schools at "meets" (competitions), and if we continue to do well, we can go on to compete at district and regional races, where we compete against other schools from farther away. Very good teams can even continue on, and compete to be the champions of their state, and even the country.

After I graduated from high school, I wanted to continue running, but I did not compete on my university's cross country team. Instead I ran alone, in order to stay in shape, and because I truly enjoyed it. While I was at my university (ages 18-21), I ran three different half-marathons. Half-marathons are races that are 13.1 miles (21.1 kilometers) long. I felt very proud of myself after I ran these races; they are difficult because of the distance, so I felt like I had accomplished something great.

As an adult, I have continued running because I like that it helps keep me healthy. I also enjoy running because if I am ever in a bad mood or have a lot to think about, running makes me feel better and helps me clear my mind. I always feel happier after a run. I have continued running some races just for fun as an adult. In the United States in the last two years before I moved to Spain I ran a few races that were 6.2 miles long, or 10 kilometers.

Aerial silks
Another hobby of mine which I enjoyed doing very much in my spare time in the United States, was going to an aerial studio and "dancing" on aerial silks. I became interested in trying this activity a few years before I first went to my local studio. My cousin Rachel lives in New York City, and has been a dancer most of her life. As a kid she danced the styles that are more "traditional" for most dancers in the United States - ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, etc. But as an adult living in New York, she found a company that put on shows which also included some aerialists. She began taking classes in a few different aerial styles. Over time, she found that her favorite was the lyra, or aerial hoop (it looks like a big hula hoop, but up in the air).

A few years ago, I decided that I wanted to try some different aerial classes. When I searched online, I found a studio only 15 minutes away from my house. I went to my first class, and immediately loved it. I found that my favorite classes were the classes where we practiced on the aerial silks. I really love this activity because it is both challenging and fun, and it made me feel really strong. I could feel my body changing over time, and it was really cool seeing the new tricks I could learn.

I also really liked this activity because it introduced me to a whole community of other aerialists. I made some really good friends at the aerial studio who I still keep in touch with to this day. I also met people through aerial who enjoy other activities that we later did together, like yoga, acroyoga, and rock climbing.

Playing Guitar
I have always loved music, and that is still true today. I enjoy going to concerts and listening to live music. I also love to sing. As a kid, I always wanted to learn to play an instrument. When I was 14 years old, I started taking a guitar class at my high school. A few weeks into the school year, we found out that not enough students had signed up for the class, so it was cancelled and we were transferred into different classes. I was very disappointed because I had been really excited to take the class, so I started taking private guitar lessons outside of school.

If you want to play an instrument really well, it's important to practice consistently. When I was first learning, I saw that I improved much more quickly if I practiced consistently; every day was best, if I could. I'm still not an expert or professional by any means, but I do love playing and singing along when I do.