I haven't had many pets in my life, however, I've always loved animals. When I was 6 years old, my parents bought me a rat and even though many people were scared of him, I loved him as a pet. His name was Ratso (a very creative name if you ask me).
When I was 8 years old, I really wanted a dog so I made a 'poster presentation' for my parents explaining why we needed to buy a dog for a pet. They said no at first, but surprised me with a puppy cocker spaniel on my ninth birthday! Today I want to tell you about my first dog, and best friend, Freckles.

This is a picture of me and Freckles when he was a puppy! Freckles are the small brown dots on your nose and skin. As you can see, he has small brown spots on his snout (nose), hence the name Freckles. He also has long, curly, blonde hair. (Like me!)
Freckles had tons of energy and loved to eat food! We were similar in a lot of ways. One of my favorite things to do with Freckles was playing a game called hide-and-seek. We would run around in my backyard and then I would run quickly into our house and find a hiding spot. Freckles would chase after me and try to find where I was hiding by scent alone. It was so fun!
Freckles lived to be 13 years old in dog years (around the age of 79 in human years). Unfortunately, he passed away the year before I moved to Madrid. I miss Freckles a lot but we had many fun memories together and I will never forget him.
Now I want to know about your pets! Any animal that you take care of counts as a pet (A fish, mouse, cat, dog, or even an ant!) If you don't have a pet, do you want one? Are pets very popular in Spain?
Below I've attached a fun crossword with some common and some not-so-common family pets. See if you can find all of the animals on the list!
