Do you have a pet - an animal that lives at home with you and your family?
Many people in the United States have pets - just like here in Spain! What kinds of animals do you think people normally have for pets?
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
Any others?
Some of the most common pets people have are dogs and cats, of course, and even sometimes fish, or birds. Did you know that some people have more unusual pets too? Some people have amphibians, like frogs, or reptiles, like lizards, turtles, and snakes. Some people keep horses, rabbits, or hamsters.
4. What kinds of animals are horses, rabbits, and hamsters?
When I was 7 years old, my family got a puppy and I was THRILLED! I had been begging my mom to let us get a dog for what felt like forever. Finally, my cousin's dog got pregnant and had puppies, and my mom surprised us that Christmas with one of the puppies from the litter.

Our puppy was a golden retriever - a specific breed of dog. We named her Abby. When my mom brought Abby home to us, she told my brother and me that dogs are a lot of work, and we would have to be responsible, and help take care of her. This meant we would have to take her outside to use the bathroom, take her on walks, feed her, and even bathe her. My mom was right - it's a big responsibility to take care of another living thing, but it was completely worth it to me. Abby was unbelievably sweet and loving. Golden retrievers are known for being a gentle breed, especially good with children, and we trained her well from the beginning, so she grew up to be a very well-behaved dog. Friends of mine who didn't like dogs much, or even were scared of them, felt comfortable around our dog because she was so nice.

5. Can you name any other specific breeds of dogs?
I am so glad I got to have the experience of growing up with a dog in my house. In our family, we considered Abby to be like a member of the family, and not just an animal that lived in our house. For many people like us, pets are extremely special and treasured. For example, in our house, even though Abby had her own dog bed, she would also jump up onto my bed at night with me, or go into my brother's room and lie in his bed with him.
6. If you have a pet, are they allowed on any furniture in the house?
In addition to being cute and cuddly, having a pet can also be good for your health! Scientists have done research, and found that people who own pets tend to be happier and healthier than people who don't. On average, people who have dogs are usually less stressed than people who don't - and this is true for both kids and adults! Also, children who grow up in houses with pets are less likely to develop asthma, and allergies. Dog owners are even more active than non-owners, usually getting more exercise and moving around more!
7. Do you have any pets? How many? What kind of animal(s)? What are their names?
Describe them to me!
Complete the crossword puzzle below, using the following words:
