Hi again everyone!
While we are all still stuck in our homes for at least the next week, I'm sure you're getting bored, and tired of doing the same old things.
I know many people are taking this time to watch a lot of movies and TV series (I'm doing it too!) But why not take advantage of the extra time to watch, and use it to practice your English skills as well!
I believe everyone is familiar with the many streaming services available, like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. Even Disney+ will be available in Spain within the next week!

Watching a movie in English can be very helpful when trying to practice your listening and understanding. Even if you don't understand everything that the people say, their actions can show you what they mean!
Read my recommendations below of 5 types of movies you can watch to practice your English!
1. Movies you have already seen in Spanish
Try watching a movie with a story you already know! You will be familiar with the characters, and what happens in the movie, so you can focus on listening to the words, instead of trying to understand the plot.

For example, I believe many of you have seen Harry Potter, or at least know the story. In my opinion, it's a great film to try to watch in English! You already know Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and the things that happen that first year at Hogwarts. Now you can try to see them happen in English
Another example could be the Star Wars series, popular movies like It and Joker when they become available, and even animated movies like Frozen 2.
2. Cartoons/Animated Movies/Kids' Movies
As I mentioned, Disney Plus will soon be available in Spain. This is GREAT news because Disney has so many movies, and again, you have probably seen many of them already, just in Spanish (or another language) at home. This means you know the stories and you can follow along with them, even if you don't understand every detail.
Even if you don't have access to Disney+, most animated kids' movies have stories that are easy to understand, even if the words are hard.
Some examples of great movies to watch to practice:
101 Dalmatians
Mary Poppins

Some of my absolute favorite Disney or animated movies are:
Oliver & Company
Lilo & Stitch
The Emperor's New Groove

3. Musicals!
Practicing a language through songs can be really helpful with pronunciation as well as common phrases. Plus, if a song is catchy and you like it, it can help you remember the words better when there is music behind them. You all already know and like many popular songs that are sung in English right?
Also, in a lot of musicals and musical theater, the actors enunciate - pronounce their words clearly, unlike in other music like pop songs.
Another good thing about musicals is that there are a LOT of pop culture references and jokes based on their stories. Watching them will make you more familiar with some common phrases because you will have heard them used in the movie and you may understand the reference a native English speaker makes.
Some examples of musicals that might be fun to watch:
Footloose (1984)
The Sound of Music
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
The Wizard of Oz

4. Documentaries!
Documentaries, especially nature documentaries, are great to watch for English practice! The speakers are usually very clear, and speak a little slower than in normal conversation, so it can be easier to follow. The best part about watching documentaries is that you can find a documentary on just about any topic you might be interested in - travel, cars, animals, food, etc. There are so many possibilities!
Planet Earth is one example of a nature documentary you can try watching

5. Action movies/Superhero movies
Superhero movies and other action movies can also be good practice. If the stories are based on comic books you have read, you know the storyline. Also, most of these stories follow a very similar pattern of good vs evil, with a large battle between a hero and a villain, and a threat to the hero, humans, or the world. While the details may change, you can likely understand the idea before the movie even starts!
Marvel movies, like Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor
Wonder Woman, The Justice League
Daredevil, Elektra

Tips for getting the most out of these movies:
Use subtitles, but put them in English! Seeing the word on the screen as you hear it will help your brain remember what the word looks and sounds like.
Read the plot summary before watching - what is the movie about? You can read this in Spanish too if you're still confused, but I recommend reading it in English first and seeing how much you understand.
After you watch the movie, try to summarize (in English!) what happened. Even if you can't write full sentences, brainstorm! You can even just write words: good, evil, battle, magic, powers, music, dancing, animals, hunting, etc.
1. What is the last movie you watched?
2. Did you watch it in Spanish or English (or another language)?
3. What is it about? Describe the story.